Gradually Increasing Activity Lessens the Chance of Overuse Injuries: MD Podiatrist

According to Dan Michaels, DPM, “A long hike in the spring or early summer after a fairly sedentary season can easily lead to foot pain. Increasing walking or jogging distance greater than 50 percent of your norm can lead to foot pain. The general rule to follow for increasing an activity such as jogging is no more than 10 percent per week. Ten percent doesn’t seem like much but it will keep us out of trouble.”
“We’ve seen so many people worsen a particular foot condition by continuing a workout routine in spite of foot pain. Continuing a jogging routine or exercise class while experiencing Achilles tendinitis or plantar fasciitis can make the condition worse. At the least, the chance of improving isn’t great while being this active. The same applies to your entire lower extremity. If something starts to hurt, back off for at least a week to see if it passes,” says Dr. Michaels.