MD Podiatrist Discusses Flat Feet

According to Dan Michaels, DPM, a condition that commonly causes pain is flat feet. In some cases, having flat feet is a congenital condition that people inherit and are born with. In other cases, a person’s arches may fall later in life, causing pain. “Many people have flat feet and aren’t in any pain,” Dr. Michaels said. “If it’s not painful you don’t have to do anything for it. Just wear comfortable shoes that offer good support.”
However, for those who do have arches, a tendon can give out causing arches to collapse, resulting in varying degrees of pain. Treatment can be through orthotics, but many of the cheaper, over-the-counter orthotics are ineffective. Custom orthotics can cost about $450 and are much more effective. A podiatrist can measure a person’s feet using electronic 3D imaging and send the measurements to the company manufacturing the orthotics.