MD Podiatrist Discusses How to Buy Compression Socks

“Compression socks help the veins in their effort to circulate blood back to the heart as well as provide a gentle squeeze which both feels good and does good on a physiologic level,” says  Daniel Michaels, DPM. Know what you’re trying to achieve with compression socks before buying a specific pair. Isaacson recommends looking for one in the 7 to 15 or 15 to 21 millimeters of mercury level, as it will provide adequate pressure for anyone looking for moderate help with circulation. However, compression levels can reach up to 40 millimeters of mercury-a pressure recommended for those recovering from surgery or those suffering from chronic illness.

“A sock should feel tight but not to the extent that it is uncomfortable,” says Dr. Michaels. Most socks include a size chart, but further guidance from a doctor may be necessary for those dealing with recovery or illness. Find a pair of compression socks that are supportive with adequate pressure. Some feature padding in the feet, which may be important if you’re a runner.