MD Podiatrist Discusses Orthopedic Shoes for Seniors

For the elderly, an orthopedic shoe can be more than just a shoe. “Something as simple as footgear can make a huge difference in seniors’ longevity, preventive care, and avoidance of surgery on a fragile foot environment,” says Daniel Michaels, DPM.
Whether you need orthopedic sneakers or are simply looking for the best shoes for older adults, be flexible and understand your choices. “Strength, flexibility, disease, and their environment are all factors to be considered,” says Dr. Michaels. Finding the right shoe that provides the support and comfort you need is worth the effort. “A proper shoe, and a lot of times, a brace for a collapsed ankle, can improve quality of life tremendously and even extend one’s years,” says Dr. Michaels. “This may be seen as a grandiose statement, but activity is essential to longevity.”