MD Podiatrist Discusses Plantar Fasciitis

“There are two types of plantar fasciitis: acute, which was triggered by a specific activity, and chronic, when the condition becomes worse over time,” says Dan Michaels, DPM. You may also experience knee, hip, or back pain due to the changes in your gait because of the compensation from plantar fasciitis pain, adds Dr. Michaels. If this happens, or if you have worsening pain that is a 5 or greater out of a pain scale of 1 to 10, your quality of life is interrupted, or over-the-counter pain medications are no longer helping, it’s time to see a professional, states Dr. Michaels. 
“A general rule is to try to ice, stretch, and rest [your foot], wear supportive shoes for plantar fasciitis, and [take] over-the-counter pain medication for a few days,” Dr. Michaels says. “If none of this improves plantar fasciitis symptoms after several days and the pain is a 5 or higher, call the doctor.