Walking Shoes for Pronated Feet Need Rigid Outsoles: MD Podiatrist
Like running shoes and workout shoes, a lot of joy or a lot of pain can come from your walking shoes. The correct fit is key for comfort, as anyone with particularly achy feet or a condition like plantar fasciitis knows. The wrong fit can lead to cramps in your arches or blisters. Low arches or flat feet often encourage pronation of the foot; your foot turns downward. Put your foot flat on the floor and try to press your arch into the ground to visualize pronation.
If you have pronated feet, “Walking shoes should have rigid outsoles which prevent the shoes from bending or flexing,” says Daniel Michaels, DPM, owner of the Reconstructive Foot & Ankle Institute, LLC. “This allows your shoes to hold your feet in a mostly neutral position without allowing them to overpronate.”