MD Podiatrist Discusses Posterior Tibial Tendonitis
According to Dan Michaels, DPM, “Certainly the posterior tibial tendon can be acutely injured, requiring only the traditional R.I.C.E. formula (rest, icing, compression, and elevation). But more commonly it’s a chronic condition due to the individual’s foot type. Altering a person’s biomechanics is a complex, challenging task. When achieved, the rewards may extend beyond simple pain relief to reduced back pain, faster walking speed, lessened fatigue, and an improved quality of life.”
“Your foot, ankle, or lower leg pain may be due to posterior tibial tendonitis. If so, it is probably the result of poor biomechanical function. The same applies to plantar fasciitis, the most common cause of heel pain. Today’s message? Get a thorough biomechanical assessment, get better support, and get walking. But don’t wait years to seek care: time changes many things including, maybe, your posterior tibial tendon,” says Dr. Michaels.