Plantar Fibroma (s)

A plantar fibroma is a fibrous knot, or nodule, on the bottom of the foot. The nodule is part of the plantar fascia. This is a ligament made up of adult collagen type I. For some reason the body starts to absorb the adult type I collagen and replace it with unorganized fetal type III collagen. This causes the lump to form.
The plantar fibroma is not cancer but it can cause pain and there can be one or more and they can be small or grow larger over time.
Treatment consists of conservative and surgical. Typically, the pain gets better if you don’t go barefoot, use good supportive running shoes, stretch and use custom orthotics. Some times steroid shots can help. If conservative treatment fails and the pain is really bad and debilitating then surgery can be performed. You will have most of the plantar fascia removed through an incision on the bottom of your foot which will prevent you from walking on the foot for at least a month.
Most of the time, they are not that bad and conservative treatment works. Please visit the Reconstructive Foot & Ankle Institute’s, LLC Heel Pain Center of Excellence for evaluation and management of your foot condition. We look forward to solving your problem with the most natural and efficient means available.