Stem Cells are the Foundation of Regenerative Medicine

According to Dan Michaels, DPM, “Stem cells are unique in that they are able to differentiate into various types of specialized cells. Once thought to be absent in the body by the time one reaches adulthood, they can be obtained from various sources including, fortunately, adult tissues. This fact is critically important in many regenerative techniques. Amniotic tissue has been used to great effect for wound healing. But another product in this category is injectables, used for joint and soft tissue problems, even those of cartilage. The material injected is obtained from a planned C-section and is loaded with growth factors. These are powerful signaling molecules which recruit stem cells to the region.”

“Typically, a single injection of this substance into an arthritic joint acts to reduce pain and stiffness, consequently improving function. Amazingly, there is evidence this technology may act to stimulate the growth of actual joint cartilage, an ability heretofore unknown. And this leads to a key component of this discussion of healed tissue. It is not asymptomatic because of the  presence of a medication  but because the tissues are healthier,” says Dr. Michaels.