Weak Evidence for Benefits of Static Stretching: MD Podiatrist

According to Dan Michaels, DPM, “An often repeated phrase in fitness and sports medicine concerns the importance of the pre-workout warm-up. For decades, the mantra was that you must stretch before any workout, although there was no good evidence documenting any benefits. These recommendations were necessarily based on anecdotal information since no study had been performed. Surprisingly, static stretches, the kind most often performed by weekend warriors and casual athletes, may impair physical strength.” 

“Many in the sports medicine world have concluded that, given the evidence, for improved athletic performance and a reduced risk of injury, static stretches are not an optimal use of time. In contrast, a dynamic stretch is one accomplished while moving and has been shown in some quality studies to lead to increased power and range of motion. And take note, the duration of a static stretch is critical since holding a stretch for 60 seconds is apparently the most beneficial,” says Dr. Michaels.